The epidomy of awesomeness
This animation goes beyond words in its message; A man struggling to finally make his son proud. All his life he has had to lie about his sons age, steal and intimidate to make sure he can support his family. It shows that the right people take wrong turns and their rage is what ends up killing them. The man, his name left ambiguous to make the message all the more powerful, finally erupts in a slur of obscenities that depict inanimate objects sucking on his genitals while at the same time being pieces of feces.
MasterAsh, his son asks him to buy him a PS3 for Christmas. He lies to the cashier because he just wants to get the game for his son and didn't realize it was not suitable for children. He yells about how its a "fuckin' piece a shit!" because he thought it was just a stupid toy he could buy his son for Christmas.
This is the "War and Peace" or "Citizen Kane" of Flash Animations. My hats off to you, good sir.